This catalogue refers to the procedures necessary to establish a funeral services company, in accordance the provisions of Decree 151/2014, of 20 November, on mortuary health in Galicia, which defines the different funeral establishments: mortuaries, funeral parlours and crematoria.
However, this catalogue also includes other procedures related to the performance of this activity, such as the application for the processing of record books, the notification of mortuary transfers, authorisations for the exhumation of corpses and special burials.
A statement of compliance according to the standard model must be submitted. Such statement must include the details of the establishments and state that they meet the requirements laid down in the regulations for mortuaries, funeral parlours and crematoria. Once this statement has been submitted, and after prior notification to the municipality, the activity may be started, which does not exempt from compliance with other aspects related to the regulatory and sectoral reference framework.
Decree 151/2014, of 20 November, on mortuary health in Galicia.