This catalogue includes the procedures required for the establishment and start-up of business initiatives related to the activities of low voltage installation companies.
A low voltage installation company is considered to be a natural or legal person that carries out, maintains or repairs electrical installations within the scope of the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 842/2002, of 2 August, and its complementary technical instructions, having submitted the corresponding commencement statement of compliance.
A low voltage installation is understood as any set of apparatus and associated circuits for a particular purpose: production, conversion, transformation, transmission, distribution or use of electricity.
The catalogue covers all installations that distribute electricity, those that generate electricity for their own use and those that receive it, within the following nominal voltage limits:
- Alternating current: equal to or less than 1,000 volts.
- Direct current: equal to or less than 1,500 volts.
Installations and equipment for exclusive use in mines, traction material, cars, ships, aircraft, communication systems and military uses and other installations and equipment subject to specific regulations are excluded from this catalogue.
Before starting their activities as low voltage installation companies, natural or legal persons wishing to establish themselves in Spain must submit a statement of compliance to the competent body of the autonomous community where they are established in which the owner of the company or its legal representative declares for which category and, if applicable, modality the activity is going to be carried out, that it complies with the requirements of ITC-BT-03, that it has the documentation proving this, that it undertakes to maintain them during the term of the activity and that it is responsible for ensuring that the installations are carried out in accordance with the standards and requirements established in the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulations and their respective complementary technical instructions.
The competent regional ministry for industry will assign, pursuant to law, an identification number to the company that submitted a statement of compliance.
Once this process is completed, the company is authorised and can immediately carry out the activity, although it may be subject to the corresponding inspection checks to verify the veracity of the statement by providing documentation to support it.
Royal Decree 842/2002, of 2 August 2002, approving the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation and its technical instructions.
Decree 51/2011, of 17 March, which updates the regulations on industrial safety in the Autonomous Community of Galicia for its adaptation to Directive 2006/123/EC.