This catalogue covers aquaculture business activity in the coastal and inland part of the land area.
Aquaculture is understood to be the breeding or cultivation of aquatic organisms using techniques aimed at increasing the production of the relevant organisms beyond the natural capacities of the environment.
Before starting the procedures, it is advisable that the developer ascertain the feasibility of the project in terms of the specific location of the installation and the urban classification of the land on which it is to be installed.
They will also have to consult the applicable sectorial impacts in the Autonomous Region of Galicia's Basic Plan.
In order to launch an aquaculture establishment, the promoter must submit an application for an activity permit to the Consellería del Mar (Marine Department), together with the documentation required for each case in the regulatory legislation.
Establishments that need to occupy land in the public maritime or maritime-terrestrial domain for their installation, start-up and operation will require an activity concession to be granted by the competent regional ministry for aquaculture, in accordance with the procedure established by regulation, following a mandatory and binding report from the State Administration on occupancy of public land.
The substantive body will proceed to open a public information period of no less than 20 days, as well as requesting the necessary reports, as appropriate.
Subsequently, the administration will issue a decision which, if favourable, shall grant authorisation for the activity to be carried out.
After obtaining the authorisation and before starting the activity, the owner of the establishment must apply for registration in the Registro General de Explotaciones Ganaderas (Rega) (General Register of Livestock Holdings).
Law 11/2008, of 3 December, on Galician fisheries (DOG no. 243 of 16 December 2008).
Law 2/2021, of 8 January, on inland fishing in Galicia.
Decree 274/2003 of 4 June 2003, regulating the procedure for obtaining permits and activity concessions for aquaculture and auxiliary aquaculture establishments in the terrestrial zone (DOG No 110 of 9 June 2003).
Order of 25 October 1999 regulating the operation of aquaculture centres in inland waters and their registration (DOG no. 212 of 3 November 1999).