This catalogue includes the required procedures to set up and launch business initiatives that perform waste storage, recovery or disposal activities, regulated by Spanish Decree 174/2005, of 9 June.
It is important to define the following concepts:
Storage: Temporary storage of waste, for a period of less than two years if its destination is recovery, and one year if its destination is disposal. In the case of hazardous waste, the maximum duration will be six months; in exceptional cases, the competent authority, for duly justified reasons, may modify this period.
Recovery: Any process where the main result is that the waste serves a useful purpose by replacing other materials that would otherwise have been used to fulfil a particular function or where the waste is prepared to fulfil that function in the facility or in the wider economy.
Treatment: Recovery or disposal operations, including preparation prior to recovery or disposal.
In order to launch an establishment dedicated to waste storage, recovery and disposal, an application for authorisation must be submitted by the promoter to the Regional Ministry of Environment, Territory and Housing.
The granting of authorisation implies ex officio registration in the General Register of Waste Producers and Managers of Galicia.
Once this process has been completed, the company will have been authorised to carry out the activity.
Law 7/2022 of 8 April on waste and contaminated land for a circular economy.
Law 6/2021, of 17 February, on waste and contaminated soils in Galicia.
Decree 174/2005 of 9 June 2005, regulating the legal system for the production and management of waste and the General Registry of Producers and Managers of Waste Materials in Galicia.