This catalogue includes the procedures necessary for the qualification of vocational training entities for employment.
Work training entities are considered those organisations, public or private, endowed with their own legal personality, natural person or community of goods, which have centres, spaces, facilities, equipment and human resources to develop a training activity and provide vocational training for employment in any of the modalities, in-person, online and hybrid training.
The opening of training centres is subject to a declaration of responsibility or prior authorisation, depending on whether registration or accreditation is required.
Training entities wishing to provide training not aimed at obtaining certificates of professionalism must submit a declaration of responsibility for each of the training specialties they intend to provide.
The entity will be authorised from the moment of the submission of the responsible declaration for the beginning of the activity.
The enabling administrative title for the accreditation of training entities wishing to provide training aimed at obtaining certificates of professionalism is the prior authorisation.
The entity shall be authorised to commence operations as soon as a favourable resolution of the authorisation procedure has been reached.
Order TMS/369/2019 of 28 March, which regulates the State Register of Training Entities of the vocational training system for employment in the workplace, as well as the common processes of accreditation and registration of training entities.
Decree 106/2011 of 19 May, which creates the Registry of Employment Training Centres and Entities of the Department of Labour and Welfare and regulates the procedure for registration and, if applicable, accreditation of centres and entities that provide training for employment in the territory of the Autonomous Community of Galicia.