Industrial projects
All business initiatives approved

Industrial projects

So far, the Council of the Xunta has declared the following priority business initiatives:

  • Construction of a new production plant in PLISAN, promoted by Hijos de Carlos Albo, S.L.U.
  • Construction of a technological campus, promoted by Aluminios Cortizo, S.A.U.
  • Installation of drying tower and butter-oil line, promoted by Oviganic Ibérica, S.L.
  • Extension of the canning industry in Ribeira, promoted by Ignacio González Montes, S.A.
  • Construction of a new composting plant in Vilanova de Arousa, promoted by Sogama, S.A.
  • Construction of a biomethane production plant for grid injection, in a circular economy scheme through the management and valuation of organic waste in Lamabranca-Lugo, promoted by Bioenergía Lugo, S.L.
  • Construction of a biomethane production plant in Sarreaus-Ourense, promoted by Bioenergía Ourense, S.L.
  • Expansion and improvement of technology in the meat industry, promoted by Novafrigsa, S.A.
  • Development of a biogas production plant to obtain liquid biomethane, promoted by Agroamb Prodalt, S.L.
  • Development of an eco-healthy plant that is universally accessible for the production of next-generation bakery products, promoted by Hornos de Lamastelle, S.A.
  • Development of a green hydrogen processing plant and its green ammonia transporter including a storage and dispatch  terminal called Ahmon Project, promoted by Armonía Green Galicia, S.L. 
  • Development of a new next-generation coffee processing plant, promoted by Cafés Candelas, S.L. 
  • Development of a plant for the production of green methanol from CO2 capture, called Triskelion Project, promoted by Forestal del Atlántico, S.A. (Declared as a strategic industrial project)
  • Development of a biomethane production plant for grid injection, in a circular economy scheme through the management and valuation of organic waste in A Laracha-A Coruña, promoted by Bioenergía A Coruña, S.L.
  • Development of waste processing plant in As Somozas–A Coruña, promoted by Valogreene Recinor, S.L.
  • Development of a renewable hydrogen production plant with CO2 capture and green methanol synthesis in Caldas de Reis-Pontevedra, called Green Umia Project, promoted by Iberdrola Clientes, S.A.
  • Development of a renewable hydrogen production plant with CO2 capture and green methanol synthesis in Begonte-Lugo, called Green Meiga Project, promoted by Iberdrola Clientes, S.A.
  • Development of a green hydrogen production plant in Meirama, promoted by Naturgy Nuevas Energías, S.L.U. (Declared as a strategic industrial project)
  • Development of an injectables manufacturing plant in Monforte de Lemos, promoted by Kern Pharma, S.L.
  • Installation of a multi-mold factory in Vilalba (Lugo), promoted by Queserías Entrepinares, S.A.U.
  • Construction of two hen houses on the ground, installation of a chicken manure composting plant and photovoltaic installation in Palas de Rei - Lugo, promoted by Granja Campomayor S.L.
  • Construction of a green center of hydrogen and ammonia from renewable energy sources in As Pontes de García Rodríguez - A Coruña, promoted by EsuH2 Mjolnir S.L. (Universal H2)
  • Construction of an integral biotechnological plant for the production of proteins of vegetable origin in Curtis - A Coruña, promoted by In Proteins for All, S.L.
  • Construction of an advanced research center (e-Mobility) in Nigrán - Pontevedra, promoted by Borgwarner Emissions Systems Spain S.L.
  • Construction of a green hydrogen generation plant in Arteixo - A Coruña, called Arteixo H2V Project, promoted by Accionaplug S.L.
  • Construction of a "Power-to-liquid(PtL)" industrial plant for the production of synthetic hydrocarbons in Curtis - A Coruña, known as the Breogán Project, promoted by Greenalia S.A.
  • Construction of a pellet production plant and electric cogeneration plant under an Industry 4.0 model in Pedrafita do Cebreiro - Lugo, promoted by Talentya Digital Global Solutions S.L.