Industrial projects
Strategic industrial projects

Strategic industrial projects

1. Regulation

Legislative Decree 1/2015, of 12 February, approving the revised text of the legal provisions of the Autonomous Region of Galicia on industrial policies.

Law 10/2023 of 28 December on fiscal and administrative measures.

  • To attract and promote new national and international investment.
  • To foster innovation, internationalisation and competitiveness.
  • To simplify the administrative procedures necessary for implementation.

Initiatives may be declared as strategic industrial projects if they meet at least two of the following requirements (*)

  • Minimum investment volume of EUR 20 million.
  • Creation of at least 100 direct jobs, under the modality of an indefinite contract and calculated on a full-time basis.
  • That they complement value chains or belong to sectors considered strategicand are aligned with the objectives of the European Union or that they are integrated in the financing of the "Next Generation EU temporary recovery instrument".

(*) With the exception of wind projects regulated in Law 8/2009, of 22 December, which regulates the use of wind energy in Galicia.


Those projects may be declared as strategic industrial projects which, without meeting the above requirements, are considered to have a qualified interest and impact on the development or implementation of Galician industrial policy and fabric, and which, due to their magnitude or characteristics, have a territorial, economic and social impact that transcends the municipal sphere, in such a way that they are considered to have a qualified supra-municipal interest and which meet the following requirements (*)

  • Investment in the industrial project of more than 2 million euros.
  • Creation of a minimum of 25 jobs, under the modality of an indefinite contract and calculated on a full-time basis. Indirect jobs will also be taken into account provided that their future creation is duly justified.
  • The ownership of the landwhere the project is to be implemented or the agreement with the owners must be accredited, unless it is to be implemented on business land promoted by the IGVS.

(*) With the exception of wind projects regulated in Law 8/2009, of 22 December, which regulates the use of wind energy in Galicia. 

link to headquarters:  Procedure IN230A


  • Priority nature of the processingby the Administration of the Autonomous Community of Galicia of the procedures necessary for the implementation of the project.
  • Concurrence of reasons of public interest for the purposes of urgent processing of procedures. Reduction by half of the periods established for the ordinary procedure.
  • Declaration of regional interest and prevalence over current urban planning.
  • Non-subjection to urban planning authorisationsof municipal competence.
  • Possible direct award of business landpromoted by the Instituto Galego da Vivenda e Solo.
  • Possible granting of subsidies without competitive concurrence.
  • Declaration of public utility and social interestfor expropriation purposes and prevalence over other public utilities. Necessity and urgency of the occupation of the goods and rights affected.
  • Imposition or extension of easementsfor access roads, transport lines and energy distribution.


  • Priority nature of the processingby the Administration of the Autonomous Community of Galicia of the procedures necessary for the implementation of the project.
  • Concurrence of reasons of public interest for the purposes of urgent processing of procedures. Reduction by half of the periods established for the ordinary procedure.
  • Declaration of regional interest and prevalence over current urban planning.
  • Non-subjection to urban planning authorisationsof municipal competence.
  • Possible direct award of business landpromoted by the Instituto Galego da Vivenda e Solo.
  • Possible granting of subsidies without competitive tendering.